Practicing Movement & Stillness

Movement, Breath, & Meditation

Withing each session, a yin & yang experience focused on the eight limbs of yoga; yama (relationship to self), niyama (relationship to others), asana (postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (sensuality), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (connection to source).

Reasons to have a personalized yoga practice:

  • Modifications for injuries

  • Prevent injuries

  • Reduce stress

  • Reconnect with your own body

  • improve balance & stability

  • Proactive in health & wellness

  • Depending on goals; gentle or challenging exercise for strength & flexibility in muscles, bones, & the mind.


The Breath.

There is the most beautiful connection that we have with Mother Earth as she provides our oxygen through plants & trees. In exchange we exhale their need of carbon dioxide. This yin yang balance happens naturally as our innate wisdom automatically facilitates without needing to be told. Close your eyes & tune into your breath now; is your natural breathing shallow or deep? Breath in life force energy also known as Prana. Improve your cardiovascular & respiratory systems by learning effective breathing techniques.



Known as asanas (poses) in yoga, discover the sattvic balance to the five layers of self known as Koshas (physical, energy, emotional, mental & bliss bodies). All these bodies are meant to be flexible as well as strong for optimal health. If you pause to close your eyes & breathe, notice your thoughts, emotions, energy level, & physical sensations. Establishing movement creates shifts in these aspects of self to reveal space for healing & wellness.

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There is an abundance of ways to practice meditation. Some options include: eyes closed, chanting, guided, sound bath, & mantra based.

On a biological level, the purpose of meditation is to support the optimal functioning of your parasympathetic nervous system (rest, digest, heal, repair mode). Thus, accessing relaxed muscles, processing of present emotions, & calming that monkey mind. In a private session, we can explore what options resonate with you. The more you practice, the more you will start to see & feel these benefits in your waking state of eyes open.