Meet Liz Blake


Surrender. Let go. Trust.


Healing Self.

As an adult, I’ve come to recognize that experiencing loss has been the most consistent area that creates pain, hurt, and trauma. My earliest memory I can recall takes place at 3 years old on the beach playing with my plastic toy pup, when out of nowhere a magnificent wave came up and took my precious belonging away. From there, it was my mother leaving for work everyday and my father’s abandonment when my parents divorced. Then, all my romantic relationships that didn’t work out for one reason or another.

When my beloved partner Mykel passed away in 2010, I finally took control of no longer being a victim to these circumstances of loss. I became a survivor finding gratitude in self reflection & shifted my perspective to these experiences happening FOR me instead of TO me.

Yoga & Meditation.

I started my own yoga journey in 2012. My first experience was a therapeutic restorative class which expanded my understanding of “yoga.” In 2015, I took my first yoga teacher training though YogaWorks, finding my voice as an instructor. In 2018, I studied a yoga therapy program with my current teacher, David Adams, under the Krishnamacharya tradition.

I received my personal beja mantra & learned Vedic Meditation in 2015 with my teacher Catherine Inglese @Effortlessmantra. My consciousness craved mediation daily. Back then I looked forward to sitting in the stillness & even more so today. In 2019 I started studying & developed a Cittas practice to continue to elevate my own level of consciousness.

Combining all of my trainings, self development and wisdom, I’ve created a unique blend of mindful movement, breathwork, meditation, chanting, and sound healing personalized for each individual client & their unique goals & needs.


Bodytalk came into my life in 2018. I was immediately intrigued by the ability to address underlying root causes of my own health symptoms; including un-serving emotional habits, headaches, heartbreak, childhood trauma, and most recently a sprained ankle. Bodytalk has significantly created a loud & clear claircognizant voice for healing the physical body, subconscious mind, & spirit to communicate any areas in need of support, cleansing &/or re-balancing.

As a certified Bodytalk practitioner, I use my structured intuition to create a pathway for clients self healing. In session, a sacred platform for observation is created & the vibration of language gently reminds the client of their relationship to spirit. The positive feedback I’ve received after sessions is remarkable. (check out the testimonials page) Bodytalk has expanded my intuitive abilities to better understand the infinite potential of possibility our body, mind & spirit has access to self healing.

The joy of flying while performing acroyoga with my yoga teacher David Adams.

The joy of flying while performing acroyoga with my yoga teacher David Adams.

Rock CLimbing in Alabama Hills, Mt. Whitney Portal, CA.

Rock CLimbing in Alabama Hills, Mt. Whitney Portal, CA.

Holding natarajasana (dancer pose) while slacklining at a local park near my home in Los Angeles, CA

Holding natarajasana (dancer pose) while slacklining at a local park near my home in Los Angeles, CA

